Visiting Nurses Foundation
A Legacy of Caring
The Albany Med Health System Visiting Nurses Foundation was established in 1984 to aid and assist the Visiting Nurses.
Many of our patients have critical needs that our nurses and therapists cannot meet. We have always found a way to help these patients, who often have no other resources. Over the years, the Foundation has supplied them with items that have made a significant improvement in their safety and independence – from bed lifts, tub transfer benches, prescription lock boxes, grab bars, and specialized step stools to adjustable recliners, wheelchair ramps, and mechanical lifts. Large or small, what these items have in common is their ability to dramatically improve the recipient’s quality of life.
The support and generosity of grateful patients, their families, and the community enables us to assist patients in need. We ask that you consider making a donation to our Foundation so that we may continue to serve them. You may wish to designate your gift in gratitude for care provided to you or a loved one; in memory of a loved one who has passed away; or in honor of what visiting nurses and therapists provide to patients on a daily basis.
Please make checks payable to “VNA Foundation” and include your name and mailing address. Also include a note if your donation is in honor of or in memory of a loved one or in appreciation of a particular nurse or therapist.
Mail checks to:
VNA Foundation
35 Colvin Ave.
Albany, NY 12206
Thank you for your generosity!
Contact Us
Visiting Nurses Foundation
518-489-2681 or 518-489-2655