We specialize in full-service medical and surgical podiatric care and treatments, including diabetic foot care, wound care, foot conditions, and limb salvage, as well as reconstructive and corrective foot surgery. We encourage you to inspect your feet every day and seek care early.
- Bone, tendon & soft tissue injuries
- Charcot foot
- Foot deformities
- Ganglion
- Heel pain
- Heel spurs
- Infections
- Ingrown toenails
- Neuromas
- Plantar warts
- Skin & nail disorders
- Biomechanical Assessments
- Deformity repair
- Diabetic foot care (including footwear, wound care, medications, nutrition review)
- Fractures & wound repair
- Injections for heel spurs & ganglion
- In-office surgeries
- Orthotics
- Radiofrequency therapy (minimally invasive)
- Toenail & tissue surgery
- Toenail trimming
- Trimming corns & calluses
- Wart removal
By following some simple steps, you can greatly help to prevent serious foot problems.
- Get a complete foot exam from your health care provider at least once annually. Get checked more often if you already have foot problems.
- Call us if you have stubborn cuts or breaks in the skin, or have an ingrown nail, and tell your health care provider if your foot changes color, shape, or just feels different (for example, becomes less sensitive or hurts).
- We trim corns or calluses, as well as toenails if you cannot do so safely.
- Ask your doctor about Medicare coverage for special shoes for foot problems.
- Protect your feet from hot and cold. Wear shoes on hot pavement. Don’t put your feet into hot water without testing it first.
- Keep the blood flowing to your feet. Put your feet up when sitting. Wiggle your toes and move your ankles up and down for five minutes, two or three times a day. Don’t cross your legs for long periods of time.

I enlist my patients as part of their own patient-centered team, to treat the person as much as their feet.
Richard Jones, DPM