Building Healthy Communities

Health Promotion Center of Glens Falls Hospital

Cancer Prevention in Action

Get the facts. Reduce the risk. Spread the word.

The Health Promotion Center of Glens Falls Hospital, through funding from Health Research, Inc. and New York State, works to increase awareness about the effects of ultraviolet (UV) exposure as well as human papillomavirus (HPV) within Warren, Washington, and Saratoga counties.

The Cancer Prevention in Action (CPiA) program looks to assist local organizations such as daycare centers, local schools, outdoor worksites, and parks and recreation departments in their efforts to promote sun safety practices through policy change and implementation. CPiA can support partners who adopt sun safety policies by providing resources including but not limited to sunshades, sunscreen dispensers, and educational materials to pass out to their employees and/or patrons.

CPiA also works to raise awareness of HPV vaccine among adolescents and educate their parents and guardians about the cancer prevention benefits of the HPV vaccine. This initiative looks to partner with health care providers such as pediatrician offices to promote the HPV vaccine as cancer prevention.

The focus of this initiative is to increase awareness about skin cancer as well as HPV related cancers while also assisting with policy change and providing community organizations the resources they need to help prevent and reduce cancer in our community.


  • Increase the adoption of sun safety policies and practices in community settings
  • Increase the number of community education interventions to build support for the HPV vaccine as cancer prevention

Cancer Prevention is Key

  • Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States
  • Nearly five million people are treated for skin cancer each year at a cost of about $8.1 billion
  • 1 in 5 Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime
  • Indoor tanning before the age of 30 increases the risk of melanoma by 75%
  • HPV can cause six types of cancers among other health problems
  • In NYS up-to-date vaccination coverage is much lower than coverage of other recommended vaccinations for adolescents aged 13-17 years (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, 95%; meningitis, 95%; HPV, 57%)

Contact Us

Community organizations, local elected officials, school administrators, health care professionals, and other community representatives who are interested in learning more are invited to contact:

Lauralee Tucker, Program Coordinator

Health Systems for a Tobacco Free New York

Partnering with health care systems to eliminate tobacco use

The Health Promotion Center of Glens Falls Hospital, in partnership with the North Country Healthy Heart Network, works collaboratively with health care systems to develop and support the consistent and effective identification and treatment of tobacco users. The initiative provides resources and consultation to physical health care providers and mental health care providers to improve the delivery of comprehensive, evidence-based interventions for tobacco use and dependency. Special consideration is given to, but not limited to, those that serve disparate populations with low-income, low-educational attainment, or behavioral health care needs.

Health Systems for a Tobacco-Free New York is funded through a grant from the NYS Department of Health.

Free Services and resources for physical health care providers and mental health care providers include:

  • Consultation and review of existing tobacco treatment policies. Expert support with the development of a cohesive plan for introducing and sustaining comprehensive, evidence-based tobacco use and dependency treatment interventions.
  • Policy Development assistance with integrating and implementing evidence-based, tobacco dependence treatment services and policies, within the health care systems, without disrupting clinical workflow.
  • Quality Improvement assistance in developing a process to track and measure system wide implementation of a tobacco treatment policy, and overall patient satisfaction.
    Customized Training for systems staff and tobacco treatment champions. Additional support can be given to those systems treating disparate populations and/or other addictions.
  • Tobacco Cessation Resources and materials for tobacco users to take home and review.

Health Care Providers can Make a Difference

  • 70% of tobacco users want to quit.
  • Compared to tobacco users who do not receive clinician assistance, tobacco users who receive assistance from two or more clinicians are 2.4–2.5 times more likely to quit successfully for 5 or more months.
  • More than 30% of tobacco users are successful when clinicians combine counseling and cessation medications.

Contact Us

Health care systems that are interested in obtaining more information are encouraged to contact:

Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, Herkimer, Warren, and Washington counties:
Health Promotion Center at Glens Falls Hospital:

Clinton, Essex, Franklin and St. Lawrence counties:
Ann Morgan, Executive Director,

Creating Healthy Schools & Communities

Facilitating opportunities for healthy living

The Health Promotion Center of Glens Falls Hospital partners with members of school districts and surrounding communities to implement sustainable policy, system, and environmental changes. The Creating Healthy Schools & Communities initiative focuses on increasing access to healthy, affordable foods and opportunities for physical activity for students, staff, families, and community members.

Glens Falls Hospital is one of 23 contractors funded through a grant from the NYS Department of Health.

Service Area

The school districts of Fort Ann, Fort Edward, Glens Falls, Granville, Hudson Falls, Johnsburg, North Warren, Warrensburg, Whitehall and their neighboring communities.


Collaborate with school districts and the surrounding communities to promote wellness using the following strategies:

  • Assess, revise and implement local wellness policies to improve the school environment.
  • Establish Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAP).
  • Increase access to healthy, affordable foods and increase school district’s ability to meet federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 nutrition standards for foods sold outside of school meals.
  • Improve policies, practices, and environments for physical activity and nutrition in Early Care and Education Settings.
  • Increase adoption and use of food standards and procurement policies that increase healthy foods in community sites and settings.
  • Adopt and implement Complete Streets policies, plans, and practices to increase access to opportunities to walk, bike and roll.

Contact Us

Community leaders, local elected officials, school administrators, and other community representatives who are interested in learning more are invited to contact the Health Promotion Center at Glens Falls Hospital by emailing