Dr. Lee Receives Alden March Distinguished Surgeon Award

Cheryl Taylore Lee, MD ’91 (center) receives the Alden March Distinguished Surgeon Award from Dr. Barry Kogan, Department of Urology (left), and Dr. KMarie King, Henry and Sally Schaffer Chair of the Department of Surgery at Albany Medical Center.

Cheryl Taylore Lee, MD, Class of 1991, returned to Albany Medical College in April to receive the Alden March Distinguished Surgeon Award and present grand rounds.

Dr. Lee is a professor and chair of the Department of Urology at Ohio State University and has focused her entire professional career on bladder cancer, which she noted is prevalent but often suffers from a lack of awareness and research to support our understanding of it.

Her grand rounds lecture emphasized the importance of diversity of representation in clinical trials.

While at Albany Medical College, she also spent time speaking with surgical residents.