Synonyms: Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
Computer Code: (HEMF)
Specimen Collection: 1 mL of blood (lavender top tube). Pediatrics: 0.25 mL blood (lavender microtainer). Genetic Consent Required (see Test Requisition and Consent #24).
Minimum Volume: 1 mL
Handling Instructions for Offsite Areas: Refrigerate.
Reference Values: Hemoglobin A2: >1 yr = 1.7-3.3% 6 mo-1yr = <2.7% 3-6 mo = <2.5% 1-3 mo = <2.3% 0-1 mo = <1.0% Hemoglobin F: > 1 yr = <2.0 6 mo-1 yr = <8.0 3-6 mo = 8.0-40.0 0-3 mo = 40.0-85.0 Hemoglobin A: >1 yr = 94.0-98.0 Hemoglobin S: None Hemoglobin C: None
Lab Code: Chemistry
Requisition: SPEC C 24 Attestationforquanthemoelectesting.pdf#http://2
Test Frequency: 2/week
Routine TAT: 6 days
Stat TAT: 1 day (Call lab for stat testing.)
CPT Code(s): 83020
Methodology Used:
See Addendum XVII