Meet Our 2024 Champion: Reese Bernardi!

When Reese was born, her oxygen levels were low, and she was immediately placed in an oxygen tent. She spent a few hours in the tent, and then she was able to join her parents in their hospital room, and she was able to go home the next day.

After a week or two, her parents noticed Reese was coughing, which seemed unusual. It was a slight cough, but consistent. About three weeks later, the Bernardi's got the call that Reese’s newborn blood screening marked her for Cystic Fibrosis. A sweat test was done immediately and came back conclusive that she did have Cystic Fibrosis.

"We went into 'survival' mode, learning all that we could about this life shortening disease," said Renee Bernardi, Reese's mom.

The Bernardi's started all the appropriate medications and chest therapies, and attended a lot of doctors appointments.  They learned to be super diligent with her treatments and with her medications. Reese does treatments twice a day, every day. Out of approximately 10,000 treatments, she has maybe missed only five treatment sessions in her entire 13 years.

"We know we need to be diligent to keep her the happiest, healthiest Reese that we can. And it pays off!" said Renee.

Now, Reese is is super active. She’s a basketball player, the best defender around, loves to swim,  and loves watching and posting on TikTok. She lives her life around her treatments and medications. And it’s a family affair -her brother and sister are extremely helpful with Reese’s lifestyle. They know that we work around Reese’s schedule, or we work her schedule around theirs. To Reese, her siblings are her amazing older champions.

"Reese shows us that you can have a fun and fulfilling life with a life-altering condition like Cystic Fibrosis.  She is an inspiration to all of us!"