Physician Practices - Glens Falls Hospital
Serving Warren, Washington, Essex, Hamilton and northern Saratoga counties, Glens Falls Hospital is committed to providing primary care, specialty care, medical imaging, physical therapy, and other important health care services in communities across our region. To learn more about the services we provide in your community, please select from the locations below:
- Adirondack Cardiology
- Adirondack ENT
- Cambridge Medical Center and Urgent Care
- Evergreen Medical Center
- Glens Falls Neurology
- Granville Medical Center
- Greenwich Medical Center
- Hudson Falls Medical Center
- Salem Medical Center
- Surgical Specialists of Glens Falls Hospital
- General Surgery
- Urology
- Orthopedic Specialists of Glens Falls Hospital
- Whitehall Medical Center
- Wilton Medical Center
All locations in the Albany Med Health System
Browse the Physician Directory
From Cheri and Dr. DeCunzo to the teams of providers assigned to my surgeries and the incredibly kind and attentive nurses of the surgical floor, to say my time at Glens Falls Hospital was a "good experience" is quite the understatement. I feel so fortunate to have been in such fantastic care and can now report I am back to full duties as mom, wife, and "Dr. Erin.”
Erin WrightBennington, Vermont